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When Tomatoes Met Wagner

In a dying farming village in central Greece, two cousins and five women decide to do things differently. With a little help from Wagner, Christopher Columbus and local myths, they cultivate an ancient tomato seed and enter the world market with their organic products. With humour and poetry, the film speaks to us about the …Read more »


The eccentric sommelier and author Conrad Seidl sets out on a tasty journey around the globe to discover famous beer styles and experience new flavors. A new series / 4x 52 Minutes 4 continents, 12 countries, and 30 cities where some of the most interesting and even obscure beer styles have been invented or brewed …Read more »


Pico island, Azores. A lava crust in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, where it’s inhabitants, in lack of good soil, drove the vine into the stone. Lashed by the ocean winds and by the winter cold descending the mountain, the vine thrives in the draughtiness of the stone with the aid of men, whose …Read more »

Buried Seeds

Фильм Андрея Северного «Погребенные семена» – это вечная и правдивая история человеческой страсти, силы воли и решимости перед лицом бедствий. Фильм рассказывает о знаменитом шеф-поваре, удостоенном звезды Мишлен Викасе Ханне, который начинал свою карьеру как нищий иммигрант. Викас родился в Амритсаре с искалеченными ногами и не мог участвовать в общих играх со сверстниками. Он много …Read more »

Chef’s Diaries: Scotland

The Roca brothers embark on a new challenge: exploring Scotland. Their journey will see them rediscover a cuisine that has kept itself hidden from the world in the past years. Director: Laura Otálora