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The Amber Light

In this journey through the lesser-known parts of Scottish whisky culture, we follow spirits writer Dave Broom on his quest to gain a deeper understanding of his national drink. While whisky has never been as popular, it is often seen in the context of being a brand which sits outside people’s lives. It’s often thought …Read more »


Pico island, Azores. A lava crust in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, where it’s inhabitants, in lack of good soil, drove the vine into the stone. Lashed by the ocean winds and by the winter cold descending the mountain, the vine thrives in the draughtiness of the stone with the aid of men, whose …Read more »

(R)evolution Champenoise, the Vineyard Rules

Champagne is probably the vineyard that has been most industrialized in France. The economic success of Champagne has led to the omission of traditional viticultural practices and the use of synthetic chemicals. This documentary is a tribute to the winemakers of the Champagne (vignerons), whose respect for the soil and love of the vineyard are …Read more »

Buried Seeds

Фильм Андрея Северного «Погребенные семена» – это вечная и правдивая история человеческой страсти, силы воли и решимости перед лицом бедствий. Фильм рассказывает о знаменитом шеф-поваре, удостоенном звезды Мишлен Викасе Ханне, который начинал свою карьеру как нищий иммигрант. Викас родился в Амритсаре с искалеченными ногами и не мог участвовать в общих играх со сверстниками. Он много …Read more »